As most of you that are close to me know, I have "tried" a gazillion and one "diets" to cure my body of RA. Let me sum up my journey quickly... After having Collin at age 23, I had unexplained joint pains. Testing, Xrays, etc...revealed Rheumatoid Arthritis. Isn't that for 80 year old women? I quickly went on a pretty toxic dose of Methotrexate which indeed helped me feel better, but the long term effects of being on this med makes me uncomfortable. Thus began the journey for a natural cure. I have seen several rheumatologist all pretty much blowing me off when asking them of a natural cure (or a least helping me cope with the symptoms). I have been on the "arthritis diet"- no sugar, whites, or meat. I have tried to just supplement with bee pollen and other natural herbs- pretty darn expensive. And most recently in the past year researching the Raw food lifestyle. This is pretty extreme I know but I have always preferred my veggies raw. I hate cooked vegetable. If they are cooked they had better be steamed very quickly. If it doesn't crunch, I won't eat it. My biggest problem with going 100% raw is my family...and having the will power to say no when candy is in front of me. I love candy. Skittles, nerds, twizzlers, gummy bears, sourpatch kids, chick o sticks. Maybe I am a little addicted to sugar, you think? So I have been reading blog after blog, article after article and finally decided to attend a Columbus Raw meeting tomorrow night. I am excited to hear others experiences with this lifestyle and try it out. I ate raw for a week or two and felt better. Had more energy. So I am willing to give it a shot. I am finally fed up with pain, fatique, irritability, anxiety and weight gain. Stay Tuned....
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