Did you know that Ohio is #2 among states that are losing its most prime farmland. Really Sad to think that we are losing beautiful farms to housing developments. Especially when there are so many new homes being foreclosed on right now. So what can we do?
7 Ways to Save Farmland
1. Make Your Voice Heard
Get AFT's free No Farms No Food Bumper Sticker. Contact your legislators and decision makers through American Farmland Trust's Action Network. Let them know that you care about food and farm policy as well as farmland planning initiatives!
2.Vote for America's Favorite Farmers Markets
Show support for your local farms and farmers markets this summer by voting for America's Favorite Farmers Markets!
3.Go Shopping with a Message
Donate today to American Farmland Trust and support our work to protect farms and ranches and expand local foods.
4.Share the Bounty
Prepare meals for family and friends with delicious, local food and enjoy the freshest foods the season has to offer.
5.Know Your Farming Neighbors
Learn more about the specific challenges facing farms in your region and find out what you can do to help.
6.Tell Officials in Your Town that Local Food Relies on Local Farmland
Be an active citizen and weigh in on farming issues in your area! Affect decisions made by your local zoning board or planning commission.
Be an active citizen and weigh in on farming issues in your area! Affect decisions made by your local zoning board or planning commission.
7.Educate Your Community
Write an editorial for your local paper about the importance of farmland to your community. Show your support for farmland issues and advocate for sound farm and food policy by supporting farmland protection or advocating for changes in farm policy.
Shop Locally. Every community now has farmers markets. It may seem a little more expensive then the local grocery store but you will feel good in supporting small business AND get fresher tastier food!